Cina, Svizzera e Bielorussia saranno le prossime frontiere della Coppa del Mondo di biathlon?

Darya Domracheva tornerà proprio nella tappa delle assenti? [Presentazione]
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Francesco Paone

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Cina, Svizzera e Bielorussia saranno le prossime frontiere della Coppa del Mondo di biathlon?

La scorsa settimana si è tenuto a Praga un incontro tra l'Ibu (la federazione internazionale di biathlon) e l'Ebu, la European Broadcasting Union. Tra gli argomenti trattati anche il futuro della Coppa del Mondo di biathlon. Stando a quanto riportato dal segretario generale della federazione bielorussa, le frontiere del massimo circuito potrebbero ampliarsi negli anni a venire.

Anatoly Stromsky ha infatti dichiarato alla testata Belta che, in tale sede, il presidente dell'Ibu Anders Besseberg avrebbe dichiarato che "Bielorussia, Svizzera e Cina potranno organizzare competizioni nel prossimo futuro. Questo discorso verrà affrontato durante il meeting dell'Executive Board di luglio".

In realtà il fatto di disputare una tappa di Coppa del Mondo in Cina è scontato. Pechino ospiterà i Giochi olimpici invernali 2022, pertanto nell'inverno 2020-'21 andrà in scena il primo appuntamento di sempre in territorio cinese.

Diverso il discorso per Bielorussia e Svizzera che, rispettivamente con Raubichi e Lenzerheide, stanno da tempo bussando al circuito maggiore. Stando alle parole di Stromsky, la federazione bielorussa si è già candidata per organizzare gare di Coppa del Mondo e Besseberg avrebbe dato rassicurazioni in merito alla possibilità di inserire in calendario l'impianto nei pressi di Minsk dopo il 2020.

Per la verità si tratterebbe di un ritorno, poiché l'attuale capitale della Bielorussia rappresentava il centro di allenamento di riferimento ai tempi dell'Unione Sovietica, tanto da ospitare tre edizioni dei Mondiali (1974, 1982 e 1990). Resta da capire chi farebbe spazio ai pretendenti.

Il discorso comunque è risaputo da tempo. Le nazioni con l'ambizione di organizzare eventi del massimo circuito sono parecchie, ben più dello spazio a disposizione con l'attuale calendario.

Belarus plans to host big biathlon tournaments after 2020, Secretary General of the Belarusian Biathlon Federation Anatoly Stromsky told BelTA. During the joint meeting of the International Biathlon Union (IBU) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) IBU President Anders Besseberg spoke about the prospects of holding big tournaments in the coming years. He did not rule out the organization of tournaments in Belarus, the United States, Switzerland and China. “I think these countries will be able to host competitions in the near future. The issue will be considered at a meeting of the IBU Executive Board in July 2017,” Anders Besseberg said. The secretary general of the Belarusian Biathlon Federation reaffirmed Belarus' interest in hosting the Biathlon World Cup events. “The federation has already applied for hosting the World Cup competitions. We are ready to host the Biathlon European Championships. As for big tournaments Anders Besseberg talked about at the meeting in Prague, it is highly likely that Belarus will be able to host such events after 2020,” said Anatoly Stromsky. The Raubichi Olympic Center will host the IBU Summer Biathlon World Championships in 2019. Earlier, the IBU recommended the Belarusian Biathlon Federation to bid for the IBU Biathlon World Championships in 2020 or 2021.
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Belarus plans to host big biathlon tournaments after 2020, Secretary General of the Belarusian Biathlon Federation Anatoly Stromsky told BelTA. During the joint meeting of the International Biathlon Union (IBU) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) IBU President Anders Besseberg spoke about the prospects of holding big tournaments in the coming years. He did not rule out the organization of tournaments in Belarus, the United States, Switzerland and China. “I think these countries will be able to host competitions in the near future. The issue will be considered at a meeting of the IBU Executive Board in July 2017,” Anders Besseberg said. The secretary general of the Belarusian Biathlon Federation reaffirmed Belarus' interest in hosting the Biathlon World Cup events. “The federation has already applied for hosting the World Cup competitions. We are ready to host the Biathlon European Championships. As for big tournaments Anders Besseberg talked about at the meeting in Prague, it is highly likely that Belarus will be able to host such events after 2020,” said Anatoly Stromsky. The Raubichi Olympic Center will host the IBU Summer Biathlon World Championships in 2019. Earlier, the IBU recommended the Belarusian Biathlon Federation to bid for the IBU Biathlon World Championships in 2020 or 2021.
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Belarus plans to host big biathlon tournaments after 2020, Secretary General of the Belarusian Biathlon Federation Anatoly Stromsky told BelTA. During the joint meeting of the International Biathlon Union (IBU) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) IBU President Anders Besseberg spoke about the prospects of holding big tournaments in the coming years. He did not rule out the organization of tournaments in Belarus, the United States, Switzerland and China. “I think these countries will be able to host competitions in the near future. The issue will be considered at a meeting of the IBU Executive Board in July 2017,” Anders Besseberg said. The secretary general of the Belarusian Biathlon Federation reaffirmed Belarus' interest in hosting the Biathlon World Cup events. “The federation has already applied for hosting the World Cup competitions. We are ready to host the Biathlon European Championships. As for big tournaments Anders Besseberg talked about at the meeting in Prague, it is highly likely that Belarus will be able to host such events after 2020,” said Anatoly Stromsky. The Raubichi Olympic Center will host the IBU Summer Biathlon World Championships in 2019. Earlier, the IBU recommended the Belarusian Biathlon Federation to bid for the IBU Biathlon World Championships in 2020 or 2021.
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