Goepper Slopestyle Win - New Zealand Winter Games - USSA Network
CARDRONA, New Zealand (Aug. 25) - X Games champion Nick Goepper (Lawrenceburg, IN) set the tone for the 2014 Olympic freeskiing season with a win in the Audi Quattro New Zealand Winter Games slopestyle on Sunday. Goepper took the win with an aggressive second run featuring an impressive run that included a switch right flat spin 900 with a progressive "screamin' semen" grab and a challenging trick unnatural double 1260 true tail grab. Weather conditions have been difficult for athletes during the games and Sunday made no exception with flat light. USSA Network, August 2013 www.usfreeskiing.com Music: "RSPN" by Blank & Kytt (https://blankkytt.bandcamp.com/)
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Fabio Poncemi, Martedì 14 GennaioMETEO SCI / 23 Gennaio
- Appennino Cent. 3°-9°C
- Alto Adige -5°-3°C
- Friuli -1°-5°C
- Lombardia -4°-3°C
- Appennino Sett. 3°-9°C
- Piemonte 1°-7°C