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two in one - the baker jacket by coal. this jacket from coal is a simple and stylish basic piece for the winter with lots of outer and inner values. the upper material protects you from snow and rain, while the insulation keeps you both dry and warm. on warm days you can take off the removable gilet via the zipper and have either a cool vest or a jacket for warm spring rides.
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Ghiacciaio Presena | 30/30 | 70-150 cm |
Rivisondoli | 23/24 | 80-120 cm |
Roccaraso | 23/24 | 80-120 cm |
Ponte di legno | 30/30 | 70-150 cm |
Courmayeur | 18/18 | 80-100 cm |
Breuil-Cervinia | 15/15 | 100-175 cm |
Selva di Val Gardena | 33/35 | 65-110 cm |
Gressoney-La-Trinitè | 11/11 | 40-70 cm |
METEO SCI / 07 Febbraio
- Alto Adige -6°--1°C
- Veneto -5°-1°C
- Valle d'Aosta -9°--2°C
- Friuli -4°-1°C
- Appennino Sett. -4°-5°C
- Appennino Mer. 2°-9°C