Il futuro delfreeride.Ora conla nostrapremiata tecnologiaAirTip,il nuovoSIN7 offreunrivoluzionariodibackcountry,prestazionifreestyleefreeride,creando il più versatileall-mountaindel settore.Il rockerè stato riprogettato,eliminandovirtualmente il "tipflap"per una maggioreversatilitàall-mountain, pur mantenendoil galleggiamentosenza sforzo. Con98 millimetrisotto i piedi, il nuovo Sin7offreun'incredibileversatilitàsiaa caccia diprime tracce,esplorandonascondiglibackcountry,osemplicemente per un utilizzoAll-Mountain.
misure disponibili:164,172,180,188
posizione di marcia:No
Raggio:17m @ 172
Sidecut:128/98/118 @ 172
Terreno:70% Powder / 30% All-Mountain
AIR TIP This exclusive Rossignol technology has been masterminded for freeriding and wide open spaces! The tip is filled with air for maximum lightness and built to retain maximum torsional rigidity. The ski's weight is redistributed, the tip is lightened for greater ease, safety and versatility, and the weight is focused in the center of the ski to maximize control and power beneath the skier's feet.
POWDER TURN ROCKER A profile with 50% standard camber in the center of the ski and 50% rocker at the tip and tail. The slight underfoot camber makes the skis grippy on groomed trails. The tip rocker makes its presence felt, giving better flotation in powder and paving the way for new experiences without tiring the skier. The tail rocker gives better steering and control. Powder - Support - Accessibility - Ease - Fun
MINCAP SANDWICH Very solid construction with reinforced topsheet for more durability. The sidewalls are angled at 30° to reduce inertia and overall weight while improving grip.
DIAGO FIBER This technology developed by our Racing department is used by our international athletes. This World Cup winning fiber is now accessible for Freeriders and combined with ultra light Paulownia wood cores. The complementary duo of technologies gives all skiers the opportunity to get up close and personal with those snow covered peaks and explore new landscapes with absolute composure.
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