Elan Delight prime light shift


Elan Delight prime light shift

2014 Versione 2017
sci elan Delight prime light shift

Cosa dice l'azienda

Our new SlimShape technology reduces weight dramatically, and also optimizes the transfer of energy to the ski, resulting in an extremely lightweight balanced design with powerful rebound and enhanced edge grip under foot. This allows for effortless skiing, and provides the perfect performance in a wide range of conditions and terrain. Lightskiing. Within every woman is a great skier.


misure disponibili: 146,152,158,164

posizione di marcia: No

Raggio: 14,1m @ 164

Sidecut:126/76/193 @ 164

Bindings:ELW 9.0 SHIFT


SlimShape tecnology, PST Sidewall, TruLite Woodcore

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