Pista Saslong della ValGardena - Vista della gara in primo piano!
The Saslong course in Val Gardena is among the world's most notorious racing tracks and each December venue for the annual Men's FIS Alpine World Cup. The track starts on the Ciampinoi mountain above Selva/Wolkenstein at 2249 metres elevation and extends for 3 kilometres down to the finish at Santa Cristina/St. Christina. Competitors are challenged straight after the start with a 100 m long steep slope. The run then levels out before entering the forest and becoming steeper at the height of the top terminal of the cable car from St. Christina. This all takes place beneath the awesome Sasso Lungo/Langkofel Dolomite massif, called "Saslong" in Ladin, language of the valley and the mountain from which the course takes its name.
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- Appennino Cent. 0°-4°C
- Lombardia -9°-2°C
- Valle d'Aosta -7°--0°C
- Alto Adige -9°--1°C
- Appennino Mer. 2°-11°C
- Friuli -6°--0°C