italian travel team Piemonte Piedmont - Italy Travel Guide (Alps, Turin, Sestriere ...)
Rich in natural resources and landscapes, Piedmont offers the opportunity of enjoying sports, relax and entertainment, alternating leisure with cultural visits. In the special background of the Alps, internationally famous locations like Sestriere, Susa Valley and others offer a wide range of slopes where to practice many different sports: from steep slopes to cross-country skiing, from ice-skating to snowboarding, while those who love the thrill of adventure can go climbing on rocky mountains or rafting on rushing rivers
Si parla ancora di Piemonte
Regione Piemonte, 50 milioni per sostenere gli investimenti nelle stazioni sciistiche regionali
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- Appennino Cent. -1°-4°C
- Appennino Mer. 5°-14°C
- Piemonte -4°-3°C
- Lombardia -9°-1°C
- Appennino Sett. -4°-3°C
- Alto Adige -11°--3°C