Optimizing every square inch of the ski, the K2 Konic 80Ti features a new metal laminate construction that traces the edge of the ski and strategically reinforces the wood core over the edges for increased power. These are the ideal expert mens skis for the all-mountain skier who wants it all from your skis: a solid hold at mach speeds to confidently busting through crud, moguls or soft leftovers from the previous storm. This performance ski will provide you the power you need to have some serious fun.
misure disponibili:156,163,170,177,184
posizione di marcia:No
Raggio:15,5m @ 170
Sidecut:121/80/109 @ 170
Bindings:K2/Marker MXC 12 TCx or Flat
nucleo Konic Technology- Aspen-Paulownia / costruzione : Metal Laminate, fianco Twintech, fibra Triaxial, Carbon Grid
gli scarponi da snowboard k2 maysis boa® da uomo sono la scelta ideale per i riders di livello esperto che vogliono una soluzione dal flex rigido in grado...