Jet Story Challenger 300 approach to Samedan / St Moritz airport.


Jet Story Challenger 300 approach to Samedan / St Moritz airport.

A cockpit video of a Jet Story Bombardier Challenger 300 approach to runway 03 in Samedan (at sunset in winter scenery). The airport in Samedan near St Moritz is the highest elevated runway in Europe accessible to jet aircraft (5600 ft AMSL). It is situated in a narrow valley surrounded by 3000-meter mountain peaks and requires visual conditions for take-off and landing (no instrument approaches are available, all aircraft fly VFR). The valley is too narrow for a jet aircraft to make a safe 180-degree turn, so you have to enter the valley approximately 10 miles away from the airport (near Maloja in the South or Zernez in the North) and make a straight-in continuous descent. Needless to say, it is probably the most beautiful approach in Europe. So just sit back and watch...

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Sabato 23 Gennaio 2016Durata: 5 min 25 sec