Trailer Novermber Pre-Season-Edit (Vorab-Park-Description)


Trailer Novermber Pre-Season-Edit (Vorab-Park-Description)

Kleiner Vorgeschmack! Checkt das Ende ;) Text in english: Hey Guys hearing from us out of Laax today November 24th right now the sun shines like gorgeos Some clouds around and a small breeze of some wind, but who cares! Perfect temperatures! Eeating some cheese sandwiches right now. Tasty! Right next to me my buddy Patrick 2nd day riding of him today. Showing him how to do it! I've never seen anybody learning as quick as him. Park is awsome, they set up two huge obstacle for the weekend. Little Park round up, One sec... Here's some kind of tube-hip-thing! Underneath a flat box for the beginners. Just to get little taste of park-snowboarding! Then a pole jam to flat box. The little thing in there is the downrail. Followed by a flat tube and some kind of sideways standing tube for some stalls. quiet fun that stuff! Moving to the kickers. First a little to mittle sized jump, After a booter which is the most fun of all and at the end there's a pretty big hip those are the two new obstacle the put into the park. Over all, good times!

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Domenica 25 Novembre 2012Durata: 2 min 9 sec

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