Parks of FVG: Luca Virili
Rider: Luca Virili Locations: Zoncolan, Piancavallo, Sella Nevea, Pramollo Filmed by many friends including: Andrea Zucca and Marco Basso Bondini Why this video? //The season started in october with a powder day and high hopes of filming mostly outside of the snowparks but an entire winter went by and we never saw any natural snow, we got out about half the times we did last year and conditions weren't always the best. Nevertheless we made the most of what we could get, we filmed as much as we could and even though the snowboarding isn't "next level" we hope that you will at least get curious about snowboarding in our forgotten neighborhood: Friuli Venezia Giulia.
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- Appennino Mer. 0°-7°C
- Trentino -3°-5°C
- Veneto -4°-4°C
- Lombardia -3°-5°C
- Appennino Sett. 0°-8°C
- Appennino Cent. -1°-5°C