Rock the Dolomites - Winter Music festival in Val Gardena | Gröden

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Rock the Dolomites - Winter Music festival in Val Gardena | Gröden

? Quando il rock incontra la neve: Rock the Dolomites Manifestazione musicale che vede coinvolte band e baite di montagna in Val Gardena: Rock the Dolomites. Un evento di grande successo e molto atteso, che offre la possibilità di assistere ad un concerto rock in pieno giorno in uno scenario meraviglioso, quello delle Dolomiti, Patrimonio dell'Umanità Unesco... ? In Gröden wird gerockt Rock the Dolomites ? Winter Music Festival Musikalische Veranstaltung, die in Zusammenarbeit mit einigen Bands und Skihütten organisiert wird: Rock the Dolomites. Ein sehr beliebtes Event, welches es ermöglicht, bei helllichtem Tag grandiosen Rock-Konzerten beizuwohnen und dabei auch noch das atemberaubende Panorama der Dolomiten ? Teil des UNESCO Welterbes - zu bestaunen... ? Rock the Dolomites - It's time to rock in Val Gardena Rock the Dolomites ? Winter Music festival Great music event involving bands up at mountain huts in Val Gardena: Rock the Dolomites. The event has enjoyed great success and is always looked forward to, it representing the chance to witness a live rock concert in day-time in the extraordinary setting of the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage...

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Martedì 5 Aprile 2016Durata: 50 sec

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